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Please find our school policies below.

  1. Accessibility Plan - Cherry Trees and Wightwick Hall
  2. Admission Arrangements
  3. Admissions Statement
  4. Anti-Bullying Policy
  5. Assembly Policy
  6. Assessment Policy
  7. Attendance Policy
  8. Behaviour Policy COVID Addendum
  9. CCTV Policy
  10. Charging and Remissions Policy
  11. Cherry Trees School PE & Sport Funding Action Plan 2022-23
  12. Cherry Trees School PE & Sport Funding Action Plan 2023-24
  13. Cherry Trees School Sports Funding Impact Report 2022-23
  14. Child on Child Abuse Policy
  15. Code of Conduct
  16. Complaints Procedure
  17. Data Protection Policy
  18. Endeavour Schools Remote Learning Policy
  19. Environmental Sustainability Policy
  20. Equality Policy
  21. Governor Visits to School Guidelines
  22. Health and Safety Policy
  23. Home School Agreement
  24. ICT Security Policy
  25. Inclusion Policy
  26. Keeping Children Safe in Education - Part 1 (2023)
  27. Lettings Policy
  28. Local Offer
  29. Looked After Children (LAC) and Previously Looked After Children (PLAC)
  30. Low Level Concerns Policy
  31. Medication Policy
  32. Mobile Phone Camera and Image Policy and Procedure
  33. Online Safety Policy
  34. Online Searches - Rationale and Record Sheet
  35. Policy and the Procedures for the Positive Management of Severe Challenging Behaviour
  36. Positive Behaviour Policy
  37. Preventing Extremism and Radicalisation Safeguarding Policy
  38. Privacy Notice - Job Applicants
  39. Privacy Notice - Parents & Carers - Use of your Child’s Personal Data
  40. Privacy Notice - Parents & Carers – Use of your Personal Data
  41. Privacy Notice - Suppliers
  42. Promoting British Values
  43. PSHE Policy
  44. Public Sector Equality Duty
  45. Pupil Premium Allocation 2017-18
  46. Pupil Premium Allocation 2018-19
  47. Pupil Premium Funding Report 2019-20
  48. Pupil Premium Funding Report 2020-21
  49. Pupil Premium Information 2019-20
  50. Pupil Premium Progress Comparison
  51. Pupil Premium Strategy - 2022-2023
  52. Pupil Premium Strategy - 2023 - 2024
  53. Pupil Premium Strategy 2021 - 2022
  54. Recruitment of Ex-Offenders Policy
  55. Relationship and Sex Education Policy (RSE)
  56. Remote Education Provision (SEND)
  57. Safeguarding Policy
  58. SEN Information Report
  59. Social Media Policy
  60. Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) Policy
  61. Supplemental Funding Agreement - Cherry Trees School
  62. Teaching and Learning Policy
  63. Uniform Policy
  64. Use of Pupil Premium
  65. Whistle Blowing Policy
  66. Whistle Blowing to Safeguard and Promote the Welfare of Children
  67. Whole School Marking and Presentation Policy