Subject Leader – Jenny Parkes
Curriculum Intent Statement for EYFS
We aim for all pupils to:
Communication & Language
- The ability to express wants and needs.
- To be communicators using own preferred mode of communication.
- To begin to develop independence.
- To begin to develop self-esteem and confidence.
- To be able to recognise key letters and sounds.
- To be able to recognise key words/symbols.
- To recognise own name.
- To write own name.
- To mark-make with intent and give meaning to marks.
- To describe something they can see using preferred communication method.
Mathematical Development
- To recognise object permanence.
- To recognise key mathematical language and numbers.
- To develop an awareness of early mathematical concepts.
- To develop an awareness of routine.
Knowledge of the World
- Can recognise self and others.
- Can activate buttons, flaps and simple mechanisms.
- Can notice features in both the immediate and wider environment.
- Can participate in cultural days through role play, songs and creative activities.
Expressive Arts and Design
- Will participate in songs, rhymes and musical activities.
- Will participate in mark-making and creative activities.
- Expresses self through physical action and sound.
- Creates a response to an external stimulus i.e. moves to music, creates a story around toys…
- To know how to be self-proficient in feeding, cleaning and dressing.
- To show independence.
- To show social awareness and acceptance.
- To begin to respect each other.
- To begin to develop life skills.
- To begin to develop self-esteem and confidence.
- Can use equipment safely e.g. climbing frame, cars…
- To demonstrate how to successfully negotiate space.
- The ability to move independently in an appropriate and safe manner.
- To begin to develop self-esteem and confidence.